About JacScott

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So far JacScott has created 21 blog entries.

Bio MyopiaA

Bio Myopia 2013 Biodiversity is threatened today by the increase in monoculture, overfishing, habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The Earth has experienced five episodes of mass extinction previously, and now we are in the sixth. Experts estimate that 50% of food varieties [...]


Beautiful Dystopia

Beautiful Dystopia 2013 A dystopia is an illusionary perfect world where the Authority maintains its totalitarianism through systematic discrimination that is geared to enforce its doctrine. Political oppression supersedes personal freedoms and blatant bias is inflicted on the basis of: sex or age or [...]


Home: 3 Bed semi

Home What and where is home? Is our home a place of refuge from the outside world? But what if the world was our home, where is the refuge then? ‘A home does not simply specify where you live; it can also signify [...]


Alternative Perspectives Collection

Alternative Perspectives Collection Digital photomontages harnessing the creative potential of the scanning electron microscope at the University of Central Lancashire to create highly magnified images of everyday objects, plants and creatures. The photographs form a foundation layer that is manipulated with the juxtaposing [...]



A Secret Windermere Project commission by Friends of the Lake District 2013 265 divers arrived from all corners of the country to dive into the murky, dark depths of Lake Windermere, [...]


Post Mortem’

The Space Between 15 October – 20 December 2015 Post Mortem. Rommelaere Building, University of Ghent, Belgium. Fabrica Vitae is a series of exhibitions highlighting and exploring the perception of the human body by scientists and artists. ‘Post Mortem’ is [...]


Bayfield Hall Commission

Drawing Bayfield Hall Mr & Mrs C of Bayfield Hall commissioned Jac to do a large drawing of the estate from a particular perspective. It was a surprise present for their son. The clients were delighted with the result.

2023-09-14T15:29:47+01:00commission, news|

West Heath Barn Commission

West Heath Barn Commission Owners of West Heath Barn, near Great Massingham, commissioned a giant picture of their alpacas for the wall of their dining room. The picture proved such a success with guests that the following year Jac designed a coordinating lampshade for some of the [...]

2023-09-14T15:30:28+01:00commission, news|
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